Children and Adolescents with Depression: Perception of Family Caregivers
depression, children, adolescents, caregivers, resilience (psychology)Abstract
Depressive disorder affects people of all ages, including children and adolescents, compromising the family’s quality of life. This study aimed to: (1) analyze the perception of family members about the experience of living with and caring for children and adolescents with depressive disorder; (2) identify the resources mobilized by families to respond to the demands of child and adolescent depression. Data, collected by interviews with 26 family members of children/adolescents linked to two Care Centers, were subjected to thematic analysis. The results showed the perception of family caregivers regarding the depressive disorder, to the child and to family life, and suggest religiosity and the nuclear and extended families as resources they use the most. Therefore, there is a need for professionals to expand assistance to all those who live with children/adolescents with depression, since this disorder impacts family life.
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