Career Interventions for Promoting Gender Equality: Methodological Aspects
gender, professional development, women, work, working womenAbstract
Women commonly face a complex network of barriers that hinder their career trajectory. Therefore, this study aims to address career interventions as a methodological strategy to minimize gender inequalities in the workplace. Given the scenario of inequalities experienced by women, attention in the development of interventions is needed, so that problems are not worsened with superficial initiatives that focus only on individuals. This article discusses gender inequality in careers; presents recommendations for research with interventions; exemplifies some interventions and provides a step-by-step guide for designing them, which consists of choosing the theoretical framework, defining the objectives, target audience and context, identifying resources, structuring the intervention, defining the content, activities and assessment. The limits and possibilities of using interventions in research on gender and career are discussed, in addition to the challenges of this scientific field.
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