Teacher behavior checklist: psychometric evidence in teacher evaluation by Brazilian university students
Teacher performance evaluation, Higher education, PsychometryAbstract
Performance evaluations help university teachers to improve teaching, especially when based on internationally recognized criteria. This study aimed to carry out a cross-cultural adaptation of the Teacher Behavior Checklist (TBC) for Brazilian students to evaluate their teachers (Study 1) and investigate its psychometric evidence (Study 2). In Study 1, evidence was favorable to the use of TBC for teacher evaluation by the student. In Study 2, 714 public university students participated (Average age = 24.3 years; SD = 6.85), 57.2% women. The TBC was applied collectively in the classroom. The results corroborated the two-factor model according to the instrument’s original version, demonstrating an evidence of validity. Evidence of reliability has been documented (alpha = 0.92; Test-Retest = 0.75). This study presented an adequate instrument for the teacher formative evaluation and expanded Brazil’s insertion in international research on effective teaching.

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