A preliminary survey and range extension of millipedes species introduced in Brazil (Myriapoda, Diplopoda)
Invasive species, Synanthropic millipedes, Schubart, Oxidus gracilis, Orthomorpha coarctataAbstract
The present study provides historical and new records of the introduced millipedes species in Brazil, Oxidus gracilis (C.L. Koch, 1847), Orthomorpha coarctata (Saussure, 1860) (Paradoxosomatidae), Prosopodesmus jacobsoni Silvestri, 1910 (Haplodesmidae), Trachyjulus calvus (Pocock, 1893a), Glyphiulus granulatus (Gervais, 1847) (Cambalopsidae), Trigoniulus corallinus (Gervais, 1842), Leptogoniulus sorornus (Butler, 1876), Epitrigoniulus cruentatus (Brölemann, 1903) (Pachybolidae), Paraspirobolus lucifugus (Gervais, 1837) (Spirobolellidae), Cylindroiulus britannicus (Verhoeff, 1891), Cylindroiulus truncorum (Silvestri, 1896) (Julidae), and Rhinotus purpureus (Pocock, 1894) (Siphonotidae). Among the 27 federative units in Brazil, 21 states present at least one record of a non-native species. Orthomorpha coarctata was the most widely distributed species, occurring in 15 states. Glyphiulus granulatus (state of Rio Grande do Sul), C. truncorum (São Paulo), and R. purpureus (Amazonas) were recorded from only one Brazilian state. The Southeast region concentrates most of the compiled records (42,6%) and richness by grid (5-7 species), mainly in urban areas of the states of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.
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