The developmental variations of the sagitta otolith in the young and mature male of a hermaphrodite polynemidae fish, Eleutheronema tetradactylum (Shaw, 1804)
Sagitta, Protandrous fish, Scanning electron microscopy, Surface sculptureAbstract
The Eleutheronema tetradactylum is a protandrous, hermaphrodite, marine perciformes fish. The body length of this fish acts as an important diagnostic marker for male and female discrimination. The present study describes for the first time the ultrastructural characteristics on the medial surface of the sagitta otolith in different body size groups of males of E. tetradactylum (Polynemidae: Perciformes) using scanning electron microscopy. The sagitta is a spindle-shaped structure that includes a well-developed rostrum and a poorly developed antirostrum. The sulcus is ostio-pseudocaudal type, almost straight and devoid of the collum. The ostium is a well-developed, vase-shaped structure. The cauda includes the colliculum and a well-developed caudal bulb with several distinct growth stripes. The length of the caudal bulb is significantly correlated to the growth of the body size of the fish. The excisura major is indistinct and the excisura minor is absent. The cristae are distinct on both sides of the sulcus. The one-way ANOVA test revealed that the development of several sagitta features shows significant differences in various body size groups of E. tetradactylum. The growth of the sagitta length is more closely related to the fork length than the sagitta width. Therefore, the sagitta length and the caudal bulb length can be used as important predictors to evaluate the fish size. The cauda region of the sagitta in E. tetradactylum is unique as well as more decorative than those of another Polynemidae fish and other hermaphrodite, marine perciformes fishes. The sagitta characteristics of E. tetradactylum might be advantageous in the identification of the sex and the taxonomy of the hermaphrodite fish species.
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