Observation of the translation process: initial results of a case study carried out in Leipzig





translation process, translation competence, didactics of translation


A case study was carried out in 2018 in Leipzig, resulting in a research on the translation competence of undergraduate students that followed the PACTE Group’s methodology (2003, 2008, 2011B, among others). Data were collected for comparison with some studies developed in Brazil (LIPARINI CAMPOS & LEIPNITZ, 2017; LIPARINI CAMPOS, LEIPNITZ & BRAGA, 2017; LIPARINI CAMPOS, BRAGA & LEIPNITZ, 2015). The study comprised the translation of a specialized text (around 200 words) into the students’ mother language. Online texts of medical journals in three languages (German, English and Portuguese) were selected. Twenty-three study participants translated the source texts into their respective mother languages (German, English, Spanish or Portuguese) and answered three questionnaires (about their translator’s profile, conceptions on translation, and translation problems). These different methodologies of analysis were evaluated with triangulation, thus investigating the translation process of students in training. Data from this case study conducted at the Institut für Angewandte Linguistik und Translatologie (IALT - Institute of Applied Linguistics and Tradutology), in Leipzig, were collated with those studies accomplished in Brazil, with the aim of qualifying translation didactics in undergraduate courses. The initial results of this case study are shown and discussed here


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How to Cite

LEIPNITZ, Luciane; PICKBRENNER, Minka Beate. Observation of the translation process: initial results of a case study carried out in Leipzig. Pandaemonium Germanicum, São Paulo, Brasil, v. 23, n. 40, p. 140–165, 2020. DOI: 10.11606/1982-88372340140. Disponível em: https://periodicos.usp.br/pg/article/view/167396.. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.