Literature and creative writing in flipped classroom of German as foreign language during the Covid-19 pandemic




Covid-19 pandemic, Flipped classroom, Literature, Creative writing, German as Foreign Language


During the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, teachers and students were driven to use remote teaching strategies, so as not to interrupt the progress of classes. In this context, the pedagogical model “Flipped Classroom” (Leffa; Duarte; Alda 2016) (Andrade; Coutinho 2018) was a possibility for the online implementation of the proposal “Literature and Creative Writing in the flipped classroom of German as foreign language”. Literature can be used as an alternative to non-authentic texts from foreign language textbooks, bringing important contexts of vocabulary and correctly used structures (Koppensteiner 2001). In creative writing, reading provides the basis that builds up the writer's repertoire, and rescues his creativity through the application of techniques (Rodrigues 2015). The foreign language teacher can use this creativity to implement writing exercises in class, in addition to grammar, reading, speaking (Silva 2013). The project's participants were pair of students and one individual student, all level A2 students (CEFR 2001); five books by German-speaking authors were read, the topics covered in the works were discussed, contextualized and transposed to the present day, allowing the students to comment on them in the Brazilian cultural context. This process supported the writing of these students' stories.


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Dossiê: Ensino remoto de língua alemã - sobre aprendizagens e perspectivas

How to Cite

LIMA, Adriana Borgerth V. C. Literature and creative writing in flipped classroom of German as foreign language during the Covid-19 pandemic. Pandaemonium Germanicum, São Paulo, Brasil, v. 25, n. 47, 2022. DOI: 10.11606/1982-8837254737. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.