Remote teaching in pandemic times: experiences with an emergency teacher training and its ramifications




German as a foreign language, Teacher training, New technologies


The present article aims to describe an emergency teacher training that took place in July 2020 within the framework of the training of teachers of German as a foreign language (GFL) as part of the extension projects of three public universities in the state of Rio de Janeiro. The project was proposed and developed by teacher trainers from the three universities and was attended by undergraduate students working as teachers in the free language courses offered by the three participating institutions. The purpose of the training was to provide theoretical reflections and a practical introduction to online teaching, which, at that moment, was considered the only viable way of continuing to teach during the pandemic. This article will present the structure and content of the three weeks' training. Moreover, it presents and discusses the results of the evaluations given by the participants immediately after the course and one year later, in order to ascertain the role that the training may have had in their teaching practice.


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Dossiê: Ensino remoto de língua alemã - sobre aprendizagens e perspectivas

How to Cite

BOLACIO FILHO, Ebal Sant’Anna; SCHUMANN , Carina; SAVEDRA, Mônica Maria Guimarães. Remote teaching in pandemic times: experiences with an emergency teacher training and its ramifications. Pandaemonium Germanicum, São Paulo, Brasil, v. 25, n. 47, 2022. DOI: 10.11606/1982-88372547244. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.