Questões de interculturalidade no ensino da língua alemã como segunda língua DaZ (Deutsch als Zweitsprache): o caso dos "ovinhos de Páscoa" (Ostereier)


  • Mônica Maria Guimarães Savedra Universidade Federal Fluminense-UFF; Instituto de Letras (GLE)
  • Heloisa Liberto Colégio Cruzeiro
  • Robson Carapeto-Conceição Escola Corcovado



German teaching in Brazil, second language und second cultural acquisition, interculturalism, school context


This article offers a short overview about the teaching of German in Brazil. Following the concepts and dimensions of bilingualism and bilinguality, it identifies the teaching of German as a second language and deals with the aspect of the intercultural learning in two bilingual schools in Rio de Janeiro, where the German language is defined as language and culture 2. This paper proposes a reflection on the issue of interculturalism within the theme that surrounds Easter eggs as an illustrative example of the way a holiday is celebrated in bilingual school contexts. This study is based on a sociocultural perspective of language, focusing on the relationship between language, identity and social structure.


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Língua/ Linguística - Sprache/Linguistik

How to Cite

SAVEDRA, Mônica Maria Guimarães; LIBERTO, Heloisa; CARAPETO-CONCEIÇÃO, Robson. Questões de interculturalidade no ensino da língua alemã como segunda língua DaZ (Deutsch als Zweitsprache): o caso dos "ovinhos de Páscoa" (Ostereier) . Pandaemonium Germanicum, São Paulo, Brasil, n. 16, p. 204–219, 2010. DOI: 10.1590/S1982-88372010000200010. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 jun. 2024.