Analysis of the cartesian response on how the soul can move the body in Correspondence with Elisabeth


  • Beatriz Laporta Universidade de São Paulo



Substantial union, Correspondence, Thinking substance, Extensive substance


Addresses one of the most unfolding questions that has already
been addressed to Cartesian philosophy, how can the soul move the
body, in the letter addressed to Elisabeth of May 21, 1643. This calls for a
reflection on how Descartes so safely established the order of reasons in
Meditations, and how he placed the substantial union within it, because
in Correspondence it was stated that this union can not be understood by


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How to Cite

Laporta, B. (2018). Analysis of the cartesian response on how the soul can move the body in Correspondence with Elisabeth. Primeiros Escritos, 9(1), 9-26.