The concept of substance and its developments: an overview of Leibniz’s metaphysics


  • Victor Frohlich Universidade de São Paulo



Substance, Monad, Metaphysics, Logic, Harmony


We intend to investigate the central elements of the concept of substance in Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz’s thought, taking the complexity of such concept and its multiple formulations as a prerogative to analyze several texts from the author, minding the undertaken argumentative paths on those works and the development of other core themes and key concepts — notably, the pre-established harmony and the role of God in his cosmology. We also move from the premiss that the author’s heterogeneity and conceptual polissemy can be taken as qualities of a particularly rich system of philosophy, that does not presents itself in a single, said “canonical”, text from the author.


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LEIBNIZ, G. Novos ensaios sobre o entendimento humano. Trad. Luiz João Baraúna. 6. ed. São Paulo: Editora Nova Cultural, 1996.

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How to Cite

Frohlich, V. (2018). The concept of substance and its developments: an overview of Leibniz’s metaphysics. Primeiros Escritos, 9(1), 27-46.