The Question Concerning Technology and the humanism of Martin Heidegger


  • Álvaro Itie Febrônio Nonaka Universidade de São Paulo



Heidegger, Humanism, Technique, Metaphysics, Being


The article analyzes the reflection of Martin Heidegger on Humanism from the reading of The Question Concerning Technology. In this sense, the text accompanies the current conception of modern technique, as a means to an end, which is correct but not true. Heidegger, in this text postulates that through and within the correct one can arrive at the truth, the same applies to the different modes of Humanism, that tend to conceptualize a human “essence”. The journey through the correct, toward the truth, is one step further which brings us closer to the truth of Being.


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How to Cite

Nonaka, Álvaro I. F. (2018). The Question Concerning Technology and the humanism of Martin Heidegger. Primeiros Escritos, 9(1), 124-139.