Detective Element: approximations between Sophie Calle and Walter Benjamin


  • Stela Politano Universidade Estadual de Campinas



Walter Benjamin, Sophie Calle, Contemporary art, Photography


The objective of this essay is to analyze the work Suite Vénitienne (1981), by the artist Sophie Calle (1953), and counter it to some aesthetic mechanisms of Walter Benjamin (1892-1940), such as: concept of experience, art of narration, and modifier of the subject, concept of fragment and mimesis. The text is the result of an initial exercise of reflection.


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BENJAMIN, W. Obras escolhidas – Volume 1. Magia e técnica, arte e política: ensaios sobre literatura e história da cultura. 3. ed. São Paulo: Editora Brasilense, 1987.
BURGER, P. Teoria da vanguarda. São Paulo: Cosac Naify, 2008.
CAIMI, C. L.; OLIVEIRA, R. P. de (Orgs). Sobre alguns temas em Walter Benjamin. Porto Alegre: Editora UniRitter, 2015.
CALLE, S. M’as-tu vue Paris. Paris: Center Georges Pompidou/Édition Xavier, 2003.
_________. Suite Vénitienne. Paris: Éditions de l’Étoile – Cahiers du cinema 9 passage de la Boule Blanche, 1988.
DUBOIS, P. Cinema, vídeo, Godard. Trad. Mateus Araújo Silva. São Paulo: Cosac Naify, 2004.
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How to Cite

Politano, S. (2018). Detective Element: approximations between Sophie Calle and Walter Benjamin. Primeiros Escritos, 9(1), 157-188.