Adorno and the empirical research in the american context


  • Lutti Mira Universidade de São Paulo



Adorno, Immigration, Radio Project, Empirical research, Critical theory


The article’s aim is to show the way in which the emmigration experience in the USA fundamentally marked Adorno’s opinion and conception regarding the relation between social theory and empirical research. Beginning in the author’s envolvement with the Princeton Radio Research Project, we intend to indicate how Adorno contrasted his german sociological and philosophical background, as well as the conception of social theory developed in the interior of the Institut of Social Research, with the administrative research fostered in the Radio Project. Above all, our objective is to emphasise the necessary bond between theory and research such as Adorno formulated in answer to the american empirical sociology.


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How to Cite

Mira, L. (2018). Adorno and the empirical research in the american context. Primeiros Escritos, 9(1), 189-219.