Hermeneutics, art and architectural monument in Gadamer thinking


  • Katharynne Norrana Damasceno de Jesus Universidade Federal do Piauí




philosophical hermeneutics, Architecture, Gadamer, Architectural monument


This study investigates the Gadamerian concept of architectural monument presented in Truth and method. Although Gadamer only refers to the architectural monument in parts of his work, he inserts architecture in the context of works of art, placing it in an important position among other artistic expressions in the process of understanding truth. This study thus aimed to map the Gadamerian notion of architectural monument and insert the hermeneutic problematic in the study of architecture. The methodology was characterized by being essentially bibliographic. Gadamer’s view of architecture was noticed to be a place of shelter to arts, and when it fulfills its functional and artistic aspect it can be called architectural monument: architecture as a work of art. Therefore, we aim to strengthen the existing link between philosophy and architecture to indicate new perspectives for the understanding of the art of construction.



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How to Cite

Jesus, K. N. D. de. (2020). Hermeneutics, art and architectural monument in Gadamer thinking. Primeiros Escritos, 10(1), 157-180. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2594-5920.primeirosescritos.2020.155630