Thomas Kuhn’s paradigms


  • Ana Clarice Rodrigues Costa Universidade Federal de São João del Rei



Philosophy of science, paradigm, Thomas Kuhn


ABSTRACT: In Thomas Kuhn’s conception of Science, the polysemous character of the term “paradigm” has become one of the most obscure questions. It was possible to identify at least 21 different meanings for this word in The structure of scientific revolutions (1962). This is an intriguing question considering the term centrality on the structuring of a cyclical and episodic image for science. Therefore, this paper presents an investigation on the different conceptions of the term in some moments of the Kuhnian’s work. The first section of this paper explains the semantic expansion of the term between two essays entitled The essential tension: tradition and Innovation In scientific research (1959) and The function of dogma In scientific research (1963). The second section discusses the use of the term in The structure of scientific revolutions
considering two criticisms addressed to Kuhn after the publication of this work, namely, The nature of the paradigm (1970) by Margareth Masterman and the essay entitled The structure of
scientific revolutions (1964) by Dudley Shapere. Finally, the third section presents Kuhn’s responses to such criticisms from the analysis of Postscript and Second thoughts on paradigms (1969).


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