Technology and the path for language on Martin Heidegger’s philosophy


  • Izabella Corrêa Magalhães Coutinho Universidade Federal de São João del Rei



tecnique, truth, language, Heidegger


When investigating what would be the fundamental aspect of modern technology, Martin Heidegger presents the nexus connecting the phenomenon of technology to metaphysics, science, language, and to the destiny and future of the West. Conducted through the question of the meaning and truth of Being, the philosopher understands the essence of technology as unveiling and bringing to light what echoes from the Greek words tékhne, poiésis and alétheia. In this comprehension, the discussion on technology moves towards the most originary ambit of language. Considering his post-1930 writings, especially, Question concerning technology (1954), Traditional language and technological language (1962), and What are poets for? (1946), this article aims to show the path of Heidegger’s ideas, investigating how they express themselves and how the relationship between the essence of technology and the senses of truth, destiny, speech and language become closer in Heidegger’s thought. Throughout this analysis – from the question of
technology to language – we should return to what the philosopher tells us about what should be thought regarding the contemporary man in the control of modern technique and its technologies


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How to Cite

Coutinho, I. C. M. (2020). Technology and the path for language on Martin Heidegger’s philosophy. Primeiros Escritos, 10(1), 126-156.