Contributions to the analysis of the genesis and collective use of the territory in faxinal communities


  • Solange Struwka Universidade Federal de Rondônia



Cultural-historical focus, faxinal communities, psychology, collective use of territory


In this article we present explanatory clues about the genesis, transmission and active maintenance of customs and traditions of collective use of the territory by members of the Faxinal communities. Empirical data were obtained through interviews with residents of two communities located in the central-west region of Paraná. We identified the genesis of this way of life linked to two ethnic groups linked to the original peoples. In addition, we present evidence of how knowledge and social practices were passed on, learned and actively maintained by other social groups that make up what the communities from Faxinal currently are. The analysis highlights the relationships of this tradition with the historical accumulation of Latin American peoples, contrasting with the abstract and colonized interpretations that relate its genesis to European experiences, as well as contributing to the understanding of this way of life from the relationships and practices of social appropriation of nature established in the territory of collective use.


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Author Biography

  • Solange Struwka, Universidade Federal de Rondônia

    Universidade Federal de Rondônia, Porto Velho, RO, Brazil






How to Cite

Contributions to the analysis of the genesis and collective use of the territory in faxinal communities. (2021). Psicologia USP, 32, e200175.