Donald Trump and fascism: an analysis inspired by critical theory




fascism, critical theory, digital fascism, social psychology


Donald Trump’s actions during his presidency calls for an investigation regarding possible similarities between him and fascist leaders of the past. This essay is reflects on Trump’s political actions inspired by discussions on fascist psychology and propaganda within Critical Theory. Although Trump may escape the category of a classic fascist leader, mainly due to the different historical contexts, the similarities between his political strategies and those of 20th-century fascist agitators is undeniable. Moreover, his politics mobilize socio-psychological elements that date back to the emergence of historical fascism, such as identification with an idealized and transcendent identity, submission to a superior authority or cause, and aggressiveness directed to out-group threats.


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How to Cite

Donald Trump and fascism: an analysis inspired by critical theory. (2024). Psicologia USP, 35, e220050.