German Tradition in Latin American Anthropology
The devastating fire in the 200-year-old Museu Nacional in Rio de Janeiro on September 2, 2018, demonstrates the vital importance of the historiography of sciences and the arts. As most collections have vanished, it is left to the history of science to pick up the pieces and present past developments in their complexity and global entanglements. In this special issue we aim to do this for the work of German and German-speaking anthropologists in Latin America, with a special focus on Brazil, carried out between the 1880s and 1945.
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FISCHER, Manuela, BOLZ, Peter and KAMEL, Susan (eds.). 2007. Adolf Bastian and His Universal Archive of Humanity: The Origins of German Anthropology. Hildesheim/Zürich/New York: Georg Olms Verlag.
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GINGRICH, Andre. 2017. “German-Language Anthropology Traditions Around 1900: Their Methodological Relevance for Ethnographers in Australia and Beyond”. In PETERSON, Nicolas and KENNY, Anna (eds.), German Ethnography in Australia. Acton, ACT: Australian National University Press, pp. 29-53. Available at: (last accessed on January 31, 2019).
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