Types of innovation in low-technology firms of emerging markets: an empirical study in brazilian industry
innovation, low-technology industry, capabilitiesResumo
Low-technology industry is still commonly regarded as an assistant role in the modern process of innovation and economic change. However, we believe that innovation may happen in all different types of industries and firms, including low-technology firms. The aim of this paper is to analyze the types of innovation in low-tech intensity industries of emerging markets. We conduct an exploratory study in 21 low-tech firms in Brazil. The results suggest that even firms with low technological intensity can be considered innovative, although they presented a different view regarding to changes, innovation and competitive differential. Considering that innovative performance is a result of four capabilities, the operational and transactional capabilities seem to be the most important for low-tech industry.Downloads
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Como Citar
Types of innovation in low-technology firms of emerging markets: an empirical study in brazilian industry. (2013). INMR - Innovation & Management Review, 10(1), 212-231. https://periodicos.usp.br/rai/article/view/79309