Will Rota 2030 deliver sustainable innovation? Comparing the ends and means of Brazilian and German auto industry innovation policies
https://doi.org/10.1108/INMR-01-2021-0015Palabras clave:
Innovation capabilities, Innovation policy, Policy formulation, Policy gaps, Policy governance, Sectoral innovationResumen
Purpose – Due to dramatic transformation of the auto industry, governments are implementing innovation
policies to ensure the domain of sustainable technologies. According to the literature, developing countries that
depend on multinational subsidiaries must invest in complementary innovation to be part of their research and
development (R&D) headquarters’ long-term plans. This study analyses the Brazilian auto industry innovation
policy (Rota 2030) to evaluate if it targets complementarity with the German’s one (NPE). It also compares the
institutional arrangements of the former against the latter to check for governance gaps.
Design/methodology/approach – It applies a case-oriented comparative method (Ragin, 2014) for the
analysis of qualitative evidence on secondary data. It investigates evidence of complementarity between Rota
2030 and national platform for electric mobility (NPE) objectives and checks for governance gaps in Rota 2030
using NPE as a reference.
Findings – The results confirmed a loose fitting between the innovation policies mainly for a lack of
determinism of Rota 2030 objectives. Governance gaps were also found on Rota 2030 policy formulation and
Practical implications – It contributes for the improvement of Rota 2030, and its analytical frame may be
used for the formulation or adjustment of other developing countries’ innovation policies.
Originality/value – It contributes with innovation system and policy field development with a theoretical
extension coming from the New Institutional Economics (NIE) (Menard, 2018). By examining the performance
of“institutional arrangements” during the process of formulation and operationalization of innovation policies,it shows the importance of coordination for their effectiveness
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