Linking corporate social responsibility, cooperation and innovation: the triple bottom line perspective
Corporate social responsibility, Cooperation, Innovation, Eco-innovationAbstract
Purpose – Drawing on the resource-based view (RBV) and knowledge-based view (KBV) theories, this study
contributes to deepen the knowledge that corporate social responsibility (CSR) exerts on firms’ innovation,
considering the role played by cooperation. The research also seeks to ascertain the factors that influence the
development of business cooperation.
Design/methodology/approach – The database used is the Community Innovation Survey (CIS, 2014)
applied in the European Union (EU) during the time period 2012–2014. A sample of 7083 Portuguese firms were
analyzed through the partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM).
Findings – The results suggest that CSR positively relates with firms’ innovation, and business cooperation
partially mediates this relationship. The outcomes also reveal that investing in certain types of innovation
activities increases the firms’ willingness to cooperate.
Originality/value – The findings contribute to encourage an open innovation strategy as an easy and
effective way to cope with rapid trends and changes, since it demonstrates the complementary between
innovation and cooperation, as sources of value creation. From a triple bottom line (TBL) perspective, it also
highlights that CSR must include social, economic and environmental initiatives, and should be a part of the
firms’ innovation strategy. As a result, managers who intend to contribute for society in the long term should
plan, monitor and manage all CSR dimensions.
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