The “Other” America and the Soviets During the Falklands-Malvinas Conflict in the Pages of the Jornal do Brasil


  • Otávio Massaro Universidade Federal de Alfenas (Unifal–MG)



War of Malvinas, Jornal do Brasil, Soviets, Latin Americans


The aim of this article is to discuss how the Jornal do Brasil manifested itself in relation to the stance of other Latin American countries in the face of the War of Malvinas, as well as analyzing how the journal evaluated the possibility of the Soviet Union intervening on the continent and conflict for the benefit of Argentina. How most South American countries have explicitly positioned themselves in favor of argentine claims, the newspaper reupdated culturalist arguments that reinforced the differences between brazilians and other members of the American continent of hispanic origin, since the adoption by the brazilian government of neutrality of an imperfect nature was considered, by the Jornal do Brasil, the most appropriate policy.


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Author Biography

  • Otávio Massaro, Universidade Federal de Alfenas (Unifal–MG)

    Graduado em História pela Universidade Federal de Alfenas (Unifal–MG).



How to Cite

Massaro, O. (2020). The “Other” America and the Soviets During the Falklands-Malvinas Conflict in the Pages of the Jornal do Brasil. Revista Angelus Novus, 16(16), 237-267.