A substantive theory on the implementation process of operational performance improvement methods


  • Darlan José Roman Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina
  • Marilei Osinski Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Rolf Hermann Erdmann Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina




Implementation, Performance improvement, Grounded Theory


This study aimed to present theoretical categories on the phenomenon of the implementation of performance improvement methods in organizations. The method used was Grounded Theory, following the procedures presented by Strauss and Corbin (2008). In this way, the study was conducted based on the principles of theoretical sampling, and the data collection and analysis were conducted in alternate sequences, and it was composed by 05 (five) sample groups. The theoretical sample was composed of 26 (twenty-six) interviews conducted in 12 (twelve) companies. The participants were managers who have had experience with implementation of assessment and performance improvement methods. Thus, the substantive theory "A phase of change and learning" was built up. It consisted of 09 (nine) categories besides the core category. According to the results, the phenomenon of implementation of performance improvement methods is understood as a phase of change and learning that involves behavioral and structural aspects of the organization. It is concluded that these aspects should be considered from a systemic perspective, in order to integrate structure, technologies, behaviors and processes that are part of the phenomenon of implementation.


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How to Cite

A substantive theory on the implementation process of operational performance improvement methods. (2017). Revista De Administração, 52(2), 148-162. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rausp.2016.12.005