A responsabilidade social do marketing
In the most developed countries there is a growing affluence to buy the rapidly expanding goods that are being made available. Marketing has contributed to the growth of consumption values through massive expenditures in advertising and promotion. But as society changes, so do the ideas of what constitutes effective and socially responsible marketing. By the other way, as society increasingly accynylates private goods, it increasingly yearns for public goods and services, and quality of life overtakes quantity of goods as a major concern. So a new set of factors arise to challenge some of the major premises to marketing practice. Consumerism is one of those factors. "Consumerism is an organized movement of concerned citizens and government to enhance the rights and power of buyers in relation to sellers." Consumerism, environmentalism, shortages, inflations, recession and pubtic sector needs will constitute a new marketing environment and pose challenging questions about the apropriate character of effective and socially responsible marketing in the years ahead.