Online Submissions
Guide for authors
RAUSP publishes original empirical and theoretical research that covers the field of administration, in order to contribute to the advancement of this area. All empirical methods – including quantitative, qualitative, field, laboratory methods – are accepted. To be published, the article should present relevant empirical and theoretical contributions in the field of administration. The articles will be accepted after an analysis by the editorial board that acts as referees, sending them to the evaluators.
Signed articles are the full and sole responsibility of the authors. By signing the document “Declaration of Originality and Assignment of Copyright” on acceptance of the article, the authors accept responsibility for content and form, citations, references and other elements that comprise the article, and that there is no impediment of any nature to its dissemination. They declare it to be original, unpublished and of their own authorship, and authorize its reproduction, dissemination, distribution, printing, publishing and provision by the RAUSP in print and electronic media or in any form or medium that exists or will exist under current legislation. The assignment of copyright is made on a non- exclusive and free basis, covering the entire article, valid in any country in Portuguese or other translation, at the discretion of RAUSP.
The articles may cover a wide range of topics and management practices in different industrial sectors, geographic areas and functional specialties.
Readers of RAUSP are researchers and practitioners in the field of Administration. The various positions they occupy mean that their training and knowledge can vary considerably. Clarity and conciseness in the development of ideas are fundamental
The articles may be submitted in English or Portuguese (provided the authors present an English version of the text before publication), and must respect various aspects regarding scope, purpose, format, and life cycle.
The articles, scientific in nature, can cover a wide range of topics and practices of Administration in different industries, geographic areas and functional specialties. The main thematic areas are: Corporate Governance; Entrepreneurship; Finance and Accounting; Human Resources; Information Systems Management; International Management; Management Education and Research; Marketing; Operations and Supply Chain Management; Organization and Management Theory and History; Public Management; Research Methods; Strategy and Business Economics; Sustainability Management and Corporate Social Responsibility; Technology and Innovation Management.
Occasionally, papers on other themes may be evaluated for publication if they are considered to be of interest to the journal’s readers.
The articles to be published in RAUSP must have a format that enhances conceptualization, by following a determined script: presentation of conceptual objective, development of reasoning, conclusions.
Life cycle
The durability cycle of the article should be long. The article should not be a perishable product without future value. Its ideas and concepts should be solid enough to endure for a long period of time.
Articles submitted for consideration are evaluated by at least two peers, members of the Body of Ad Hoc Reviewers, following the double-blind review system: the author(s) is (are) not known to the Evaluators or vice-versa at any time of the process.
Technical characteristics
Articles submitted for evaluation for publication must have the following technical characteristics:
- The author(s) should not be identified in the body of the text or in the file properties.
- All names of contributing authors must be added to the submission system and their names arranged in the correct order for publication. The full name must be in the exact format that should appear for publication, including or excluding any middle names or initials as required.
- Correct email addresses must be provided for each author in their separate author accounts.
- Each author must provide the ORCID number.
- The affiliation of each author should be where they were based while conducting the research for the paper.
- The title of the paper should not exceed eight words.
- The preferred format for titles is as follows: first level-bold; following subtitles – italics.
- The article must have a maximum of 7000 words, including the body of the text, references, appendices, tables, figures and notes.
- Authors must provide between three and five appropriate and short keywords in the submission.
- Authors should provide a structured summary in their submission as detailed structure below:
- Objective (required)
- Design / methodology / approach (required)
- Findings (required)
- Research limitations / implications (if applicable)
- Practical implications (if applicable)
- Social implications (if applicable)
- Originality / value (required)
- Maximum of 250 words in total.
- Authors should avoid the use of personal pronouns within the structured abstract and the body of the article.
- Notes should be numbered sequentially and presented before the bibliographic references.
- The bibliographic references should be cited in the body of the article, indicating the surname of the author(s), and year and page of the publication. They should be presented in alphabetical order at the end of the text, complying with APA (American Psychological Association) standards.
- Articles should be submitted via
The author and coauthors should be registered or should register in the submission system and follow the steps in the website to submit their article.
The articles submitted will be evaluated by an Ad Hoc Body of Evaluators, using the double-blind review system. This means that throughout the process, the author(s) is(are) not revealed to the Evaluators and vice-versa.