Does playing futsal or football impacts players’ physical, physiological, and tactical responses in a similar small-sided game? A study in different age groups
Futsal, Football, Youth sport, Tactical analysis, GPS devicesResumo
This study compared young football and futsal players’ physical, physiological, and spatial occupation responses from the U-15 and U-17 categories during 3vs.3 SSG. Twenty-four football and eighteen futsal regional-level players participated in the study. 3-a-side SSGs were played in both modalities, with rules and pitch size adapted to the rules of each one. GPS devices collected physical, physiological, and spatial occupation data. Data were compared using a two-way ANOVA. Football players presented higher physical and physiological responses than futsal players, while spatial occupation responses were similar between sports. Older players presented higher physical and physiological responses than younger ones, while the spatial occupation responses were similar between age categories. However, age-related differences in physical performance were only observed in football players. We conclude that the learning environment of each modality induces differences in performance over time, with tendencies of older athletes to present higher performance and football players to show more specific game-related responses.
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