How tactical behavior efficiency and birthdate affect performance of soccer players?


  • Marcelo Odilon Cabral de ANDRADE Universidade Federal de Viçosa; Centro de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde
  • Israel Teoldo da COSTA Universidade Federal de Viçosa; Centro de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde



The aim of this study was to investigate how tactical behavior efficiency and birthdate affect the tactical performance of soccer players. The sample comprised 6640 tactical actions performed by 108 players of U-15. FUT-SAT was used to collect and analyze data. Birthdate was obtained through identity card or birth certificate. It was used descriptive analysis, Multinomial Logistic Regression (p < 0.05) and Cohen's Kappa tests. For statistical analysis, SPSS software was used. It was found positive associations between tactical behavior efficiency and tactical performance for the tactical principles "offensive coverage", "offensive unity", "defensive coverage", "balance" and "defensive unity". It was also observed positive associations between birthdate and Defensive Tactical Performance Index for players who were born within the second quartile. It is concluded that for this sample, tactical behavior efficiency and birthdate influenced tactical performance.


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Pedagógica e Comportamental

How to Cite

ANDRADE, M. O. C. de, & COSTA, I. T. da. (2015). How tactical behavior efficiency and birthdate affect performance of soccer players? . Brazilian Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 29(3), 465-473.