Analysis of developmental levels in object control skills of preschoolers
Child Development, Psychomotor Performance, Child, Motor DexterityAbstract
The intentional and controlled contact with objects is the goal of object control skills and it is expected that changes in such skills appear in a progressive sequence of developmental levels, with increasing chronological age. Sex is a factor to be further studied in this context. This study aimed to investigate the developmental levels (initial, intermediate and advanced) in object control skills of preschoolers, by age and sex. The sample consisted of 342 children aged 3, 4 and 5 years (187 boys). The TGMD-2 was used to evaluate the skills performance in strike, dribble, catch, kick, overhand throw, and underhand roll. Differences between groups and genders were analyzed using nonparametric tests; Chi-square test was used to identify the percentage of individuals in the developmental levels of each skill, according to age. The results showed that 5 year children were higher than 3 year in dribble, catch and total score of object control; in comparisons among children of 3 and 4, and 4 and 5 years, the difference was in favor of the older children only in dribble and total score. The boys showed superior performance in five of the six skills and in total score. There was an association between the most advanced developmental levels and male gender for the total score (at 3 and 5 years), and specifically, to striking and underhand roll (4 years) and overhand throw (at 4 and 5 years) skills. In general, the performance of preschool children in object control skills improved with increasing age, indicating that motor development is cumulative and progressive.
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