Fundamental motor skills in the developmental approach and in the health seeking physical activity programs


  • Go Tani Universidade de São Paulo. Escola de Educação Física e Esporte. São Paulo, SP, Brasil.



School Physical Education, Motor skill acquisition, Convergence, Divergence


The objective of this essay is to discuss coincidences, convergences and divergences between school physical education developmental approach (AD) and health seeking physical activity programs (PAFVS) concerning how they deal with fundamental motor skills (HMF). The coincidence is in the fact that both have the development of HMF as an important focus of intervention. In AD it is related to the educational objective of citizen formation; in PAFVS it is related to the health of individuals, especially to the prevention of chronic-degenerative diseases. The convergence is in the emphasis on the relevance of HMF to the continuous acquisition of specific motor skills in the future. Without a well-developed base of HMF in the infancy it becomes difficult to engage in the systematic practice of specific motor skills in adolescent and adult age. As a consequence the promotion and maintenance of health become difficult. The divergence is in the fact that the development of HMF is for AD a goal to be achieved, whereas to PAFVS is a mean to an end, that is, health. For AD the acquisition of motor skills being basic or specific does not constitute a means to achieve other objectives, for instance, health. That does not mean this acquisition is dissociated from health objectives because as a consequence of the process of acquiring motor skills the benefits pointed out and emphasized by PAFVS can be also obtained.


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How to Cite

Tani, G. (2021). Fundamental motor skills in the developmental approach and in the health seeking physical activity programs. Brazilian Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 35(4), 239-250.