Comparisons and practical applications related to performance in vertical jumps
Psychomotor performance, Athletic performance, Physical fitness, Motor activityAbstract
This study aims to compare the performance in vertical jumps, in the contribution of the stretching and shortening cycle and to identify possible deficits in the performance of university athletes. We evaluated 27 male athletes participating in university competitions of national level, being 13 jumpers and sprinters of athletics and 14 of different modalities. Initially an anamnesis was applied for the acquisition of demographic data, followed by anthropometric evaluation. Later, the protocol of vertical jumping tests was executed, from the squat jump and counter movement jump. The evaluators performed 3 maximum jumps on a contact mat (CEFISE®, Jump System Duo model, 600 x 300 x 8mm), with an interval of 30 seconds between jumps and 1 minute between types, being considered only the jump corresponding to the best performance of each type for analysis. The data were submitted to descriptive statistics. The normality of the data distribution was verified through the Shapiro-Wilk test and the homogeneity through the Levene test. For comparisons between different groups the t test was used for independent samples and for non-parametric data (weekly training time variable) the Mann-Whitney U test. A significance level of α = 0.05 was adopted. As for anthropometric data, the group of different modalities presented a higher weekly workload of training compared to the group of jumpers and sprinters, respectively: 8.28±4.95; 4.00±2.06; p=<0.01. For the performance variables, there were no differences between groups. Therefore, according to the deficit found, pliometric exercises can be adhered to potentiate the use of CAE (IE <15%), strength exercises with high loads (IE >20%) or complex training (15 to 20%, optimum level).
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