Physical Education professional career: a phenomenological study




Phenomenology, Organizational psychology, Professional development, Labour


Several researches have discussed the relation between individuals and their careers development. However, it is mandatory to understand better the construction of career paths of Physical Education Professionals. This study aimed to apprehend meanings that Physical Education Professionals attribute to their careers. As a qualitative phenomenological research, dialogic encounters were held with eight Physical Education Professionals from different expertise areas. After each encounter, a comprehensive narrative was elaborated and, at the end, a synthesis narrative. The results were analyzed using the Life Design career paradigm. All participants emphasized self-responsibility for their career success, frequent search for professional training education, ability to adapt to different moments of life and profession and intention to remain in the profession, even with possible functions or jobs changes. Although these professionals face several difficulties in profession and their respective realities, they decide to stay in profession ensured by a high level of involvement with it.


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How to Cite

Voltan, D. Z., & Messias, J. C. C. (2022). Physical Education professional career: a phenomenological study. Brazilian Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 36, e36176336.