Pilates Method and postural balance in children Field Soccer.
Alteration somatosensory, Child development, Maturation process, Motor skillsAbstract
Changes in the postural balance have their origin in the period of growth and development, that is, during childhood. For that reason, the aim of this study was to assess the application of Pilates exercises to improve postural balance in children who play field soccer. The sample consisted of 15 children practitioners of field soccer. Our study is characterized as transversal, composed of pre-test and post-test with the strength platform and an intervention treatment such as the Pilates method, totalizing 20 sessions. The balance tests included: 1) Bipedal support test; 2) Test in single-leg support with dominant lower limb and 3) Test in single-leg support with non-dominant lower limb. The following balance parameters were analyzed, based on the center of pressure (COP): COP ellipse area, average speed of COP swings and average frequency of the COP swings, in the directions of anteroposterior and lateral medial movement. In the test in bipedal and unipodal support there was no significant difference before and after the application of the Pilates method (p>0,05) for the balance parameters studied. Based on the results in children who practice field soccer, the application of the Pilates methos did not seem to influence the postural balance in most balance parameters studied.
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