Psychometric analysis of psychological characteristics in the development of excellence of youth athletes
Athlete, Cross-cultural validation, Psychological characteristics, Talent developmentAbstract
The present study aimed to validate the Psychological Characteristics in the Development of Excellence Questionnaire to the Brazilian culture, based on the Bayesian exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Initially, the conceptual and semantic translation of the questionnaire was carried out as well as cognitive interviews. The questionnaire was applied in two independent samples (305 athletes and 495 athletes). Based on the Bayesian exploratory factor analysis, it was possible to observe evidence of factor structure composed of 5 factors and 33 items. The Bayesian confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the 5-factor structure (adverse response to failure, mental visualization, mental preparation for performance, active coping and lack of self-control), however with the presence of 24 items. For the Brazilian context, the questionnaire showed a reduction in items probably due to the different contexts and cultural differences in which the questionnaire was initially validated, as well as the use of Bayesian methods, which are more rigorous in items’ retention. We present a valid questionnaire for the Brazilian context, which can be a great ally during the development process of young athletes, contributing to the increase of skills and psychological characteristics and offering support to coaches in this process.
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