Influence of myofasial self-release on acute flexibility in active young adults




Fascia, Young adult, Physical activity, Flexibility


Muscle stretching is one of the methods commonly used to gain flexibility, however myofascial self-liberation (ALM) is a more recent technique that has been included in physical training and has shown significant results. ALM aims to improve muscle flexibility, treating fascial restrictions of connective tissue and optimizing the function of proprioceptors, being adopted mainly in sports. The aim of the present study was to analyze the ALM method in gaining flexibility in active young adults. The sample consisted of 24 individuals of both genre aged between 20 and 27 years old. They were randomly divided into an experimental group (GALM) and a control group (GAE). GALM performed ALM maneuvers, while GAE performed static stretches (AE). They performed the test of sitting and reaching pre and post intervention of the techniques. The results showed significant changes in the variable analyzed in the GALM post-test, with percentage gains of 10.5%, and for GAE an increase of 5.3%. We consider that both have effects on flexibility, however, the ALM technique is more effective when compared to AE, indicating that the method has an acute influence on the flexibility of adults who practice regular physical activity.


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How to Cite

Ribeiro, S. R. C., Araújo, S. C. de, Alecrim, J. V. da C., & Sousa, P. de A. C. de. (2023). Influence of myofasial self-release on acute flexibility in active young adults. Brazilian Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 37, e37184639.