The influence of co-creation on trust and loyalty in gym services
Co-creation, Trust, Loyalty, FitnessAbstract
The aim of the study was to identify the influence of co-creation on trust and loyalty in gym services in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. A survey was carried out with 236 respondents. The statistical technique used was Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), through which the conceptual model was tested. The results show that co-creation has a direct impact on building a relationship of trust and loyalty between consumer and service provider. As conclusions, the analysis of the construct co-creation proved to be of great value for gym services, since it can evaluate the perception of customers about these services and the intentions of trust and loyalty in relation to the mode of services provided, thus improving the quality of the strategies. Throughout the research, there were situations that lead to future studies and show how much the construct co-creation can deliver a service to increase customer reliability and loyalty.
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