Gender violence, sexuality and scholl Physical Education: how this social issues is going on in the school context
Education, Human rights, Heteronormativity, Educational practiceAbstract
In order to make society more democratic, discussions that revolve around school violence, especially about inequalities that affect certain groups, have been increasingly recurrent. In this specific paper, the objective is to understand, from a sample of journals, how the School Physical Education (SPE) classes have contributed to the treatment of gender and sexuality violence within the school reality. The methodological procedures used were based on a literature search, from a qualitative perspective. The data collection consisted of a survey of the bibliographic production that involves gender and sexuality violence in SPE classes of the last ten years, extracted from the Scielo database. The data were organized through content analysis and divided
into 5 categories, seeking to know what is contained behind the words of the object of study. The results found were 24 articles, in which 23 of them belong to the initial category called Body’s Social Representations, 7 of which fall only in this category. From this, other categories emerge, such as: Teacher Training with 5; SPE Contents with 8; Educational Practice with 2; and School Violence with 2. These, indicate that SPE classes are considered as an important instrument for maximizing the differences between students through their content. Based on a biological view of the body, they do not consider it as a result of social, cultural and historical changes in our society. Therefore, SPE needs to rethink its educational work in order to ensure the human rights of all students who enter schools, especially those who do not fulfill heteronormativity.
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