Adesion, permanence and difficulties encountered by women, from the city of Limoeiro do Norte in futsal: a case study
Female futsal, Accession, Stay, Difficulties, Limoeiro do NorteAbstract
This study aimed to investigate the reasons that led women from the city of Limoeiro do Norte to seek futsal practice and their permanence in that practice. The sample consisted of nine women from a futsal team in the city of Limoeiro do Norte who are between 18 and 46 years old. For data collection we used a semi-structured interview and the Participation Motivation Questionnair (PMQ) created by Gil, Gross and Huddleston (1983), translated and adapted to Portuguese by Guedes and Silvério Netto (2013) which brings as intrinsic and extrinsic factors to be chosen on a scale of 1 to 5 as “Nothing important” and “Very important”, respectively. The data were analyzed by categorization as suggested by the author of the PMQ and the interview was also categorized according to the purpose of the study. The results show that the athletes had predominant reasons for adhering to futsal in the categories Competition, Technical competence, Physical fitness that bring together items such as overcoming challenges, improving technical skills, maintaining
physical shape and even some of the athletes were influenced by family members for this adhesion. As reasons for staying, the athletes listed the search for a better quality of life and love for the sport in question, even in the face of difficulties that are also pointed out, such as lack of time due to the double work shift that most of the interviewees have, in addition to the recognition, appreciation, commitment on the part of the athletes and also of the current management that little supports female futsal in the city. In conclusion, it is possible to affirm that the athletes are motivated mainly by external factors, but persist by internal factors, which lead to personal satisfaction and that the difficulties need the support of everyone to be overcome, since most of
the difficulties mentioned are beyond the courts.
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