Adapted Judo as a tool for balance rehabilitation of children with visual impairment
Visually impaired persons; Postural balance; Martial arts; Sports., Visually impaired persons;, Postural balance, Martial arts, SportsAbstract
Children with visual impairment can present delay in the development of balance. Judo is an adapted sport to the visually impaired, but little is known about its effects on children with visual impairment. The aim of this study was to ensure if judo can improve the balance o visually impaired children. In this
study, nine visually impaired children, aged between 6 and 12 years, who had never practiced judo, participated in a training protocol of this sport for 8 weeks. To assess balance, we applied the Berg Balance Scale (BBS), the Functional Reach Test (FRT) and Stabilometry, analyzing the oscillations of the left and right feet and of the body. To reject null hypothesis was previously set level alpha = 0,05. We registered statistically signifi cant difference for BBS (p-value = 0,0069*) between assessments before (42,2±8,7) and after (54,1±2,4) training. We also found differences between the previous values (11,6±6,5cm)
and rear (25,6±7,6cm) to training for the FRT (p-value <0,0001)., for the oscillations of the left foot (0,9±0,6cm – 0,4±0,2cm) (p-value = 0,031), right foot (1,5±1,5 – 0,8±0,6) (p-value = 0,038) and body (2,8±1,1cm – 1,6±0,7cm) (p-value = 0,015). Judo can be an important tool in the strategy of balance
rehabilitation of children with visual impairment.
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