Estudo no Atletismo brasileiro: estruturas físicas, equipamentos esportivos e objetivos para o esporte
Track Field, Physical structure, Sports institutions, Sports facilitiesAbstract
This study, in terms of purposes, is qualitative and quantitative in nature and, in terms of means, documentary research is used to obtain the data. Its main objective was to identify the recent physical structures of Brazilian athletics, its objectives and the geographic distribution of the main entities
promoting this sport between the years of 2013 and 2016. Documental information was obtained through sports and governmental sites. A data collection was carried out on the website of the Brazilian Athletics Confederation (CBAt) of the ranking of the best athletes between the years of 2013 and 2016.
The qualitative analysis was performed based on the precepts of the Bardin Content Analysis method and the quantitative through the IBM SPSS Statistics for Mac, version 20.0 program. Participated in this survey, during the period mentioned, 4203 athletes of athletics and their respective institutions.
The results showed that there is a greater concentration of the physical sports structures destined for sports initiation as well as income in the regions of greater economic development of the country (South and Southeast), but still have an interesting geographical distribution, in some cities of the
North, Northeast and Central-West regions. It is worth noting that there are initiatives through the construction, remodeling and equipping of Athletics facilities. It was verifi ed that the physical structure of this modality is present in: public universities, clubs, military installations, multisport complexes,
municipal facilities, state, federal, National Centers, Regional and Local. But few of them offer sports equipment for sports performance. In short, the fi ndings of this study help the country to better define the objectives towards the Brazilian athletics.
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