Effects of the Nine Matrices Exercise Program on balance, muscle strenght, flexibility and aerobic endurance in elderly
Aging, Physical training, Physical exercise, Physical fitnessAbstract
Several strategies have been developed to increase the levels of physical fitness in the elderly. Among the options we find the Nine Matrice Exercise – NME, a new and different methodology from most physical exercises. It has been increasingly applied without a great theoretical basis. Thus, this study aimed to verify its effect on balance, muscle strength and flexibility of the lower limbs and aerobic resistance of the elderly. Thus, this study aimed to verify its effect on balance, muscle strength and flexibility of the lower limbs and aerobic resistance of the elderly. 30 elderly, of both sexes (73.8 ± 5.9 years), were splitted in Experimental Group (n=19) and Control Group (n=11). Balance, muscle strength and flexibility of the lower limbs and aerobic resistance were evaluated before and after nine months of intervention through POMA, standing up and sitting down from the Chair, sitting down and reaching and the 6-minute walk. In the variables that presented normality according to the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (lower limb strength and aerobic resistance), an ANOVA was used for repeated measures, and for the others, the Kruskal-Wallis test was used. The results revealed significant improvements in muscle strength (p=0.04) and flexibility of the lower limbs (p=0.00), in aerobic resistance (p=0,00) and in dynamic balance (p=0.02) in the EG. The CG significantly reduced flexibility (p=0.04). It is concluded that the NME was able to promote improvements in the variables investigated, constituting a good training alternative for the elderly, as it positively stimulates important components for functional autonomy.
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