Relationship between motor performance and self-perception of competence of deaf children
Physical Education, Motor skills, Deafness, Self perceptionAbstract
The objectives of this study were to investigate the level of motor performance and self-perception of Deaf and hearing children and to verify the relationship between these variables. 20 participated in the study, divided into two groups: hearing (n=12) and deaf (n=8). To assess the children's motor performance, the Gross Motor Development Test – second edition (TGMD-2) was used. To assess the self-perception of competence, the scale of competence and social acceptance for children was applied. The analysis was performed using parametric tests when the data were normal and non-parametric tests when the standards were not accepted. A significance level of p<0.05 was adopted. The perceived results are significant between the self-perception of motor competence, as Deaf compared, being better than the perception of this construction to the hearing. The other self-perception subscales and motor performance are not visible between the groups. Relationships between variables were not verified for any of the groups. These results were conceived as Deaf children participating in motor performance and self-perception similar to their hearing peers. In addition, self-perception will not be a factor related to the motor performance of the children in this study.
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