The aesthetic sense in the adaptive behaviors of sports teams: from the need for change to the evolutionary beauty of the game
Sport aesthetics, Football, Change, Collective homeostasis, Sports teamsAbstract
This paper presents a reflection on the aesthetic value of sports, exploring the relationship between the concepts of change and homeostasis, taking into account the emerging dynamics and evolutionary needs of sports teams, taking football as a reference. According to the perspective of the collective homeostasis model proposed by Santos and colleagues, the performance of sports teams is co-regulated as coordinated behaviors emerge through the formation of synergies among players, to adapt efficiently and effectively to the dynamic constraints of competitive contexts. The ability to adapt to changes in the game and opponents' strategies appears vital for sporting success and survival. By integrating concepts from aesthetic philosophy, this work emphasizes the importance of aesthetic sense regarding adaptive behaviors and the need for the development of adaptive readiness capacity in players and sports teams. Thus, the aesthetic appreciation and the consequent broadening of sensitivity spectrum in the players' development process are likely to influence the efficiency, effectiveness, and cohesion of sports teams. An in-depth understanding of these dynamics can provide valuable insights for coaches and researchers, promoting a comprehensive approach to sports development and performance.
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