Influence of aerobic fitness on the correspondence between heart rate variability and ventilatory threshold
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Cardiac autonomic responses, Incremental test, Heart rate variability analysis, Cardiorespiratory fitnessResumen
The aims of this study were to verify the correspondence between heart rate variability (HRV) and ventilatory thresholds during a progressive exercise test and the relationship with low and high aerobic fitness levels. Twenty male volunteers (29.5±6.2 years; 75.9±13.0 kg; 175.0±7.4 cm) were recruited. The subjects were allocated to two groups according to their VO2max <48.8 ml•kg−1•min−1 (low cardiorespiratory fitness group) (n=10) and >48.81 ml•kg−1•min−1 (high cardiorespiratory fitness group) (n=10). A progressive test was performed, consisting of 3-min stages beginning at 25 watts and increasing by 25 watts every 3-min. The HRV threshold (HRVT) and ventilatory threshold (VT) analyses were performed through visual inspection. The comparisons with RMSSD values in percentage of maximum workload resulted in a higher effect size (ES) than the SDNN values. The VO2 in the high cardiorespiratory fitness group at VT (+32%), HRVTRMSSD (+27%), and HRVTSDNN (+31%) was signifi cantly higher compared to the group with low cardiorespiratory fitness. Higher values were observed for relative load (W•kg-1) at VT and HRVTSDNN in the high cardiorespiratory fitness group in comparison with the low cardiorespiratory fitness group (P<0.05), but no difference for VT and HRVTRMSSD. Signifi cant correlations between at VT and HRVTSDNN (r=0.77) were found only in the low cardiorespiratory fitness group. Cardiorespiratory fitness should be regarded as a factor for HRVT evaluation. The HRVTSDNN was closer to the VT in the low cardiorespiratory fitness group than the HRVTRMSSD, however, the use of vagal modulation assessed using the HRV parameter was more sensitive to observe possible differences regarding cardiorespiratory fitness.
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