Determinants of audit and non-audit fees provided by independent auditors in Brazil


  • Rodrigo Telles Pires Hallak Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro; Administração do Departamento de Administração
  • Andre Luiz Carvalhal da Silva Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro; Departamento de Administração



Audit fees, Consulting fees, Corporate governance


The aim of the present study is to identify the factors affecting the auditing and consulting expenditures in Brazilian public companies. The current study was motivated by the lack of studies on auditing and consulting expenses in Brazil, whereas this matter has been researched for years in other countries. Data on Brazil are scarce because the disclosure of spending on auditing and consulting services provided by independent auditors only became mandatory in 2009. The disclosure of these data enables the analysis of the drivers of the fees paid by companies for these services. In this study, we only analyzed the expenditures for consultancy services provided by the same auditing firm; that is, we ignored all spending on other consultants. The results indicate that audit fees are positively related to company size, corporate governance quality, and the Big Four status of the auditor. In terms of consulting expenses, there is a positive relationship between company size and Big Four status, but there is no significant relationship with corporate governance.


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How to Cite

Hallak, R. T. P., & Silva, A. L. C. da. (2012). Determinants of audit and non-audit fees provided by independent auditors in Brazil . Revista Contabilidade & Finanças, 23(60), 223-231.