Petrobras in the webs of corruption: discursive mechanisms in the Lava Jato investigation covered by the Brazilian media




Corruption. Media. Car Wash. Petrobrás.


In this paper, our objective is to explore the discursive mechanisms of online media in Lava Jato investigation that have made Petrobrás the protagonist of one of the biggest corruption scandals in Brazil. Our analysis is based on the media coverage of two national publications (Folha de S.Paulo and Veja Magazine), in a grounded theory in a constructivist perspective. As results, we analyze the case studied in four elements of the theory of scandals and we identify two discursive mechanisms used by the analyzed media. One that acts in the dimension of the event, initially placing Petrobrás at the center of the scandal, and the other that constitutes its political nature. It is proposed that the media articulate discourses in order to construct meanings.


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Author Biographies

  • Cintia Rodrigues de Oliveira Medeiros, Federal University of Uberlândia
    Ph.D. in Administration from the Getulio Vargas Foundation - EAES. Research line: Organizational Studies.
  • Rafael Alcadipani da Silveira, Getulio Vargas Foundation
    Adjunct Professor of EAESP-FGV, International Visiting Fellow no Cardiff Crime & Security Research Institute - Cardiff University.






How to Cite

Medeiros, C. R. de O., & Silveira, R. A. da. (2018). Petrobras in the webs of corruption: discursive mechanisms in the Lava Jato investigation covered by the Brazilian media. Revista De Contabilidade E Organizações, 11(31), 11-20.