The PCAOB sanctions on the Brazilian auditing firms and the reaction of the Brazilian market - an event study




Capital Market, Event Study, Independent Auditors, PCAOB


The objective of this work is to measure the financial effect reflected in the behavior of companies’ shares listed in the Brazilian capital market and audited by Big Four audit firms after public sanctions issued by PCAOB in the period from 2002 to 2017. To achieve this goal, the research methodology applied was the event study, based on historical closing prices of shares extracted by the Economática database. The results presented corroborate the semi-efficient hypothesis of the Brazilian market, since it was possible to observe that the company mentioned in the sanction issued by PCAOB and the companies listed in the IBOVESPA index and audited by BigFour audit firms, suffered abnormal returns following the publication of PCAOB censures in at least one of the periods analyzed for the events under study.


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How to Cite

Vasconcelos, C. de S., Geron, C. M. S., & Vasconcelos, A. L. F. de S. (2020). The PCAOB sanctions on the Brazilian auditing firms and the reaction of the Brazilian market - an event study. Revista De Contabilidade E Organizações, 14, e165802.