The impact of the innovation in the economic-financial performance of santa catarina's IMSEs benefited by zero


  • Alessandra Vasconcelos Gallon Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Diane Rossi Maximiano Reina Instituto de Ensino Superior da Grande Florianopólis
  • Sandra Rolim Ensslin Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina



Innovation, Economic-financial performance, Innovative Micro and Small Enterprises


Innovation is considered, from years 90, a strategical subject for the development of the Micron and Small Enterprises. Although pointed as a critical factor with respect to the attainment of competitive advantage, there is much to be developed in order to foment it and to discover its stimulative variables. In this context, this research of descriptive nature, carried through by means of multiple cases study, with qualitative-quantitative approach of the data, searchs to analyze the impact of the innovative project financed by Zero Interest Program of FINEP in the economic-financial performance of Santa Catarina's IMSEs [Innovative Micro and Small Enterprises]. In general lines, the results had evidenced tha 22.73% of Santa Catarina's IMSEs had registered their trademark and patent of the product financed by the 'Zero Interest Program', and that the majority of the companies had firmed partnerships and/or cooperation with research institutions for the execution of the innovative project, facts that confirm the generation of the innovation and technological capacity in the companies. Regarding the economic-financial performance, there has been an evolution in the average invoicing and an improvement in the liquidify ratios and yield of the IMSEs in the period after-financincig. Finally, one concluded that the Zero Interest Program has reached its objective by means of the promotion of the innovative capacity and consequentently it contributed for the support of the analyzed Santa Catarina's IMSEs.


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How to Cite

Gallon, A. V., Reina, D. R. M., & Ensslin, S. R. (2010). The impact of the innovation in the economic-financial performance of santa catarina’s IMSEs benefited by zero . Revista De Contabilidade E Organizações, 4(8), 112-138.