Social responsibility and corporate reputation: an investigation on the perception of stakeholders in the electric utility northeast


  • João Marcelo Alves Macêdo Universidade Federal da Paraíba
  • Josimar Farias Cordeiro Faculdade do Vale do Ipojuca
  • Luiz Arthur Cavalcanti Pereira Petróleo Brasileiro
  • José Francisco Ribeiro Filho Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
  • Umbelina Cravo Lagioia Torres Universidade Federal de Pernambuco; Departamento de Ciências Contábeis e Atuariais
  • Jorge Expedito de Gusmão Lopes Universidade Federal de Pernambuco



Social responsibility, Corporate reputation, Energy dealer


The new scenario, where organizations realize the importance in dealing with several factors that circumscribe its environment, makes the figure of the stakeholder a key point for this interaction between organization and environment. This study sought to highlight the corporate reputation, from the identity of the associated image and desired image Celpe, northeast electric utility, in the matters of corporate social responsibility, through the perceptions of stakeholders within the context of that company. The participants were service users of the studied company, representing the image associated with the company, and employees. We identified several aspects of socially responsible practices promoted by the organization and set out in questionnaires for the two groups. When analyzing the results it was found that the company has little knowledge of social Celpe, while several of their employees know such actions. It was evidenced that these actions have reduced their visibility when the service fails. However, when relating the various aspects of social responsibility and corporate reputation of the organization, the results provide evidence of an association between these variables, for both groups of participants.


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How to Cite

Macêdo, J. M. A., Cordeiro, J. F., Pereira, L. A. C., Ribeiro Filho, J. F., Torres, U. C. L., & Lopes, J. E. de G. (2011). Social responsibility and corporate reputation: an investigation on the perception of stakeholders in the electric utility northeast . Revista De Contabilidade E Organizações, 5(11), 69-86.